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  • Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri
  • Ana Paula Paes de Paula
  • Deise Luiza da Silva Ferraz
  • Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva
  • Rafael Diogo Pereira

Thematic Fields / Research Units

Unit for Organizational and Society Studies (Núcleo de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociedade (NEOS))

This is a dialogical and multi-voiced group whose topics reveal an insurrection against the knowledge prescribed by mainstream Business Administration. This insurrection has commonly been disqualified through history. The group concerns itself with local, intermittent, disqualified, and “unfounded” knowledge that is, however, contrary to individual and universal discourses. We are open to new themes and do not favor any particular theoretical or epistemological approach, but rather, always take an inquisitive stance. The researcher's attention is not focused on any particular organization, but rather on the relationships of the organization(s) with organizational life; we consider this life to be historically constituted; the result of multiple power relations that permeate, characterize, and constitute the social body.

The main topics of research are:

  • Cities
  • Daily life and work
  • Discourses and discursive practices
  • Diversity and differences
  • The creative economy
  • Strategies and tactics as social practices
  • History and memory
  • Practices
  • Power relations and governmentality
  • Organizational symbolism

Program Faculty in the Unit for Organizational and Society Studies (NEOS): Dr. Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri and Dr. Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva.

Unit for Critical Organizational and Transdisciplinary Studies (Núcleo de Estudos Organizacionais Críticos e Transdisciplinares (NEOCT))

This research unit explores critical and transdisciplinary approaches, emphasizing theoretical contributions from the Frankfurt School, post-structuralism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, and complexity theory. The unit favors qualitative and dialectical approaches, encourages theoretical and empirical studies and mediation through action research as an attempt at integrating organizational theory and practice. By studying the relationships between organizations, individuals, and society, we seek to build alternative, ethical, and reflective paths for social life and business administration in the public and non-profit sectors.

The main topics of research are:

  • Epistemology, transdisciplinary approaches, and building organizational knowledge
  • Dialogic management and self-management
  • Social movements, minorities, social participation in public management, and cyber democracy
  • Alternative organizational experiences, solidarity economics, and social technology
  • Subjectivity, power, resistance, and group and organizational psychoanalysis
  • Brazilian critical thinkers: Maurício Tragtenberg, Guerreiro Ramos, Fernando Prestes Motta, and Paulo Freire, among others
  • Teaching and Research in Business Administration

Program Faculty in the Unit for Critical Organizational and Transdisciplinary Studies (NEOCT): Dr. Ana Paula Paes de Paula and Dr. Rafael Diogo Pereira.

Unit for Critical Studies of People Management and Labor Relations (NEC-GPRT)

Researchers in this unit undertake interdisciplinary studies that center on the relationships established as a result of work, regardless of the type of organization or level of education, thus considering individual, group, and collective instances in a process of dialectic reciprocity achieved through the social metabolism of capital. With this in mind, we consider different spheres, such as the economic, political, cultural, and ideological, which make up the social sphere. This leads to research that focuses on the following subjects: subjectivity and class-consciousness, the physical and mental illness of workers, resistance, defense and coping mechanisms, autonomy, and participation in work processes. Research also investigates social and class struggles, organizational arrangements of workers to meet the demands of professional categories and working classes, conflict mediation processes and instruments, mechanisms for pursuing the collective interest (employer organizations, unions, associations, social movements, etc.), macro-social public policies, labor law, labor markets, power relations, and class conflicts. Moreover, it is worth stressing that issues related to the various forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, machismo, homophobia, xenophobia, among others, have been a focus of interest for research.

The main topics of research are:

  • Labor, Subjectivity and Ideology.
  • Production Models, Relationships and Organization of Hetero and Self-Regulated Work
  • Marxist Studies in the Administrative Sciences
  • Collective Forms of Management, Power and Work.
  • Government, Power and Public Policy.
  • Forms of Resistance and Social Struggle.
  • Labor relations and their multiple dimensions: law, collective and individual resistance, labor markets, and professional training, among others.

Program Faculty in the Unit for Critical Studies on People Management and Labor Relations (NEC-GPRT): Dr. Deise Luiza da Silva Ferraz.